Ho hum...

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I haven't blogged in a while - something about a queasy stomach discourages blogging.....
But! Matt took some fun photos with Merrill in the park on Sunday and I had to share!


Unknown said...

These are adorable!!!

Heather said...

too cute! such a little man!

Smiley Family said...

Those are some great shots! What a handsome little guy! So how is the pregnancy going? Have you been pretty sick?

Deb Nott said...

You are so sweet to ask! I am doing pretty well, but really looking forward to the 2nd trimester!

Kendall and Melissa said...

He is getting entirely too big and old looking. I guess it's a good thing you have another one on the way so that you don't have to be sad that you are losing your baby!

Kendall and Melissa said...

Oh, and as a side note, have you been more sick with this baby or less or the same? It's a dumb question, I know. But I have my theories, so I just wondered. Are you okay with the sleep issues and all that? I always feel like such a bad mom when I'm pregnant because I don't DO anything with my kids. Hope you're hanging in there okay.