
12:35 PM Edit This 1 Comment »

With my parent's out of town I took over the family tradition of Halloweenies for the Merrill clan! I had a lot of fun!

Merrill was Buzz Lightyear thanks to my sister-in-law having the perfect costume to borrow!
I dressed as Jill
And here is my poor Jack... he broke his crown... : (
Nora - the Punk Rock Princess - you can't tell but she let me put purple eye shadow on her!
My older brother Adam
Adam's kids
My sister Sarah with her daughter, daughter's friend and two boys. My favorite costume of the night was Bryce (on the right) his costume was "new clothes!"
Besides our traditional "Halloweenies" (Hot dogs) and "Boo Beans" (Baked beans) we had... "Ghoul Goodies"
"Ghost's Goo with "Spider's Nest Veggies"
And what is Halloween with out the famous "Frog Eye Salad?" We also had "Monster's Slim" (Sherbet in Sprite.)



Heather said...

Looks like you guys had lots of fun!