Merrill's First Haircut!

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When Merrill was born his head was pretty bald! But his hair was growing  in so well, the back was getting a little shaggy looking. I was hoping it would be thicker so that the little natural curl that he got from Mark would make it curl up around the back of his collar, but it just looked like a mullet! So, alas, the cute curl had to go! 

 This was all we got from the cut, and I got a good chunk out of the back (it is hard to get a moving target!) But, he looks pretty good!

Oh! Sorry I forgot to add to my other blog, I am going to SLCC! (Math and Philosophy!)


Zachary said...

It's probably best that you denied the mullet further existence.

whitney said...

How exciting! I've got to agree w/Zach-one should always avoid a mullet. No one wants a kid that resembles Joe Dirt ;)