Healing Field

10:56 AM Edit This 2 Comments »
Late post! Sorry all, but better late than never! : )
We took Merrill to the Healing Field again this year. I am so glad that the Colonial Flag Foundation still puts up this display.
For those of my friends that don't know what this is... on the one year anniversary of the September 11th tragedy, the company I used to work for put up 3000 flags (one for every life lost that day). Since then, this idea has spread across the country and now the world as a multi national fundraiser program for a variety of causes and occasions. It is a beautiful tribute and a very reverent place to be. Although sometimes I miss the opportunity to be involved with my patriotic coworkers, I appreciate the opportunity to take my family and remember.

Merrill was much more involved this year and walked through wanting to touch certain flags. It was really cool to watch him experience it.

Family Pictures

12:20 PM Edit This 8 Comments »
I realized that I don't have many good pictures during Merrill's pregnancy, and so I didn't want to make the same mistake this time! Thanks to my awesome brother in law Matt - we went out in the hot sun and got some great shots! Thanks to all the boys for putting up with the heat and the crazy pregnant mommy that wanted just the right angle!

Poor Merrill was so tired, but managed to get in some awesome facial expressions!

I love this one!

This was Merrill's look for "Smile!" We had been practicing all day, but the idea of smiling on demand still alludes him.

Definitely my favorite!

Na Night Baby!

7:59 PM Edit This 6 Comments »
I have tried to prepare Merrill a bit for his new sibling. He has just naturally gotten to the stage of wanting to take care of and take turns with his "friends" (stuffed animals). It is really cute.

I was stunned tonight. It has been a few weeks since I have told him about the baby in my tummy, but tonight we were singing his bedtime songs and he leaned his head down, ear on my belly, and after a minute of quiet he looked up at me and said, "BABY!" It was so wonderful! He was so sweet and for the next few minutes he wouldn't stop saying, "Baby" and, "AHHH," patting it and after me asking he even leaned down and kissed my belly. After prayers I put him in his bed, and he looked up at me and with the sweetest smile said, "Na Night Baby!"

It just broke my heart with how sweet my little boy is!